We are often contacted to help with managing hives for landowners and removing bees from people’s property. If you are interested in either of these services we have a few recommendations.
We welcome you to learn more about bees – the fact that you contacted us shows you have an interest in learning more and helping them. Our free Bee Expert Chats and $5 Public Hive Tours are both an inexpensive and fun way to get introduced to bees and beekeeping. You can book both under Farm Activities on our site. Also, we have a very detailed and helpful guide for both the bee interested and soon to be beekeepers: Guide to BeeWeaver Honey Farm.
Our Texas Beekeeper’s Association is stock full of Resources to help you with questions about beekeeping, local clubs, the Apiary inspection service, and more. There are annual clinics and conventions across the state to help new bee owners learn more about the practice of beekeeping and honey bees in general.
If you are wanting/needing bees removed or you know about a swarm you can often find help from Bee Removal on the Texas Beekeeper’s website. For hive management the Local Clubs may also be a good resource in finding experienced beekeepers in your area. There is also a professional bee removal association you can learn more from and get services: TBRA
We also have a few beekeepers who have reached out to us and let us know they do hive management. If you would like to be added to this list please email: queen@beeweaver.com. BeeWeaver Honey Farm offers bees, queens, equipment, protective gear, and education – everything you need to become a beekeeper. We understand you may want in person help with your hives and these folks can help you get started:
Therese Ramirez (Houston Area): 832-422-7081
Terry Rosecrans (Central Texas): 585-329-6475 or gratefulhoneybees@gmail.com
Megan Maples, Backroads Apiary (Austin Area): 512-247-1357
David Arringdale (Central Texas): haystackhoneyco@gmail.com
Prime Bees (Brazos Valley): primebees.com
Lake Creek Bees (Montgomery): 713-530-9837
We hope that your experience with bees turns into a positive one – certainly understanding their importance to our circle of life is a great start. Also, anytime you taste honey or mead or enjoy the glow of a beeswax candle or hydrating effects of a honey and wax balm… we know you will appreciate these amazing animals even more! We hope you will Visit Us soon!