Now you have your ordered, received, and hived your bees, the beekeeping begins! We all know honeybees live without or despite human intervention in the…
Cool Bee Science in Action
Dan is traveling this week to meet with Dr. Jay Evans, Research Leader of the Beltsville Bee Lab at the USDA Agricultural Research Center in…
Learn How to Become a Beekeeper (PART 2 of 5)
BEGIN BEEKEEPING (PART 2 OF 5) Now that you know what kind of hives you may own and operate it is time to learn what…
Learn How to Become a Beekeeper (Part 3 of 5)
These basic beekeeping methods will help you hive your new bees and maintain them successfully. Before buying queens, packages, nucs, or colonies please read through…
Apiculture (beekeeping!) Crop Insurance
It seems a bit ironic, or maybe even absurd, to be talking about ‘rainfall insurance’ for beekeepers after the soaking deluges of hurricanes Harvey and…
Add Honey Bees, Reduce Your Texas Property Taxes
The majority of Texas’ state income is from property taxes and the small landowner carries much of the burden. If you own between 5 and…
Flood Remediation for Hives and End of Summer Hive Management
There will be more hot days before the Texas Summer is really over, but the peak heat of 2017 is behind us, and thankfully so…
Blowing Smoke
There are all sorts of gadgets now for beekeeping. Frame spacers, hive carriers, frame holders, bee brushes, cappings scratchers, frame cleaners, and the list goes…
Learn How to Raise Queens, Bee a Better Beekeeper
Want to Be a Better Beekeeper? Try your hand at queen production. You don’t need to master queen production or produce queens in commercial quantities.…
Learn How to Become a Beekeeper (PART 1 OF 5)
BEGIN BEEKEEPING (PART 1 OF 5) Welcome the amazing world of honey bees! When your journey into beekeeping first begins it is vital to know…
The Beekeeper’s Thrill
We are excited to introduce Andrew Shahan, our Head Beekeeper for Central Texas, in his first blog post. Enjoy! There are a handful of things…
Bee Mystery Solved?
BeeWeaver’s thoughts… The paper by Bromenshenk et al., recently published in PLoS One, adds to earlier work suggesting that CCD is characterized by bees which…