
Our Beekeepers will take you through a hive step by step. Helping you understand the job of a beekeeper and the biology of honey bees. Our Bee Deck is screened in and shaded. Ample space allows groups to all easily see these amazing animals!

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When the boy bees are present our hive tour leaders will bring a cuddly drone for you to hold and see up close. Drone bees do not have stingers, so they are the perfect bee for us to hold and see closely.

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Where can you taste fresh honey straight from a hive of bees? At our Bee Deck! When honey is present our tour leaders will brush the bees off of the comb and bring it into the screened deck for a tasting. You will know why Winnie the Pooh was willing to roll around in a mud puddle and float up on a balloon for this sweet treat!

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